I've had my front porch semi-decorated for a few weeks, but today I finally got in the spirit to get it all together. I love the idea of yard stakes lining the side walk to greet trick or treaters, but the generic ones for sale are too small for my taste. That said, I decided to whip up some of my own.
These Styrofoam glitter pumpkins I found @ Wal-Mart for $5/each (they have an LED blinking light inside). The glitter skulls I found @ Target for $2.50/each. Other supplies you'll need include an exact-o knife, yard stakes (Michael's...$1.79/each), ribbon and/or mesh.
First, spray paint both sides of your yard stakes.
Using the top of the stake as a guide, cut an outline into the pumpkin/skull with exact-o knife.
Next remove Styrofoam cut out as much as possible. The pumpkins I was able to remove all of the Styrofoam and push the stake all the way to the top of the pumpkin on the inside; the skulls are thicker (thick skulls...maybe they're men, haha)
Now simply push stake through the space you created, and viola!
I attached mesh & bows with zip ties, stakes are pointed on the end and can be hammered into the ground.