Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Fall Ya'll

Fall is finally here, although in south you wouldn't know it by the temperature. I can't wait any longer; I need to decorate! Today I'm going to share with you my first attempt to create a mesh wreath. If you're unfamiliar with mesh just check out your local craft store; you're bound to see some of the many options for using mesh on display. While there, pick up a few rolls of mesh & try out this simple wreath that'll brighten up any door.
Like most things, rolls of mesh are cheaper online. The 2 that I purchased for this project were 7.99/roll @ a craft store (I only used 1/2 of each roll). Online you'll pay around $1-2 less. I chose orange & green; 2 generic fall colors that, next week, I can incorporate into my more spooky decor. Other supplies you'll need for this wreath include a wire wreath frame ($5, reusable), cable ties (4"), scissors, and decorative ribbon for a bow.
To make it more managable, unroll about 3-5 feet of one color & cut it from the roll. Begin by scrunching one end of the piece you cut and secure it to the wire frame with a cable tie.

From here, gather the mesh in sections about 10-12 inches long. Once my wreath was completed, I regretted not using bigger sections as the wreath will appear more full. Secure the end of each section to the wire frame with a cable tie. It should looks something like this:


I apologize for the bad lighting.
Now repeat the above steps with 2nd color, this time weaving the alternate color in between each section of your original color.

Because mesh is shapeable, once you have both colors secured to the wire frame, feel free to "fluff" up the pieces. Adjust areas that may be more full than others.
Once the wreath is to your liking pop a bow at the top.


And quickly find a door to make festive.

This is a VERY simple illustration of the use of mesh.  I'm looking forward to using mesh to create lots of decor this holiday season. Keep scrolling for some other mesh wreath ideas


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