Monday, October 15, 2012

Two witches walk into a bar...

Ok, no they didn't.  They flew in!  Ha.  Sorry, lame some what joke.  Halloween is fast approaching, and that means that our Halloween party is going to be here before I know it.  It's this Friday!  Eek!  So much to do!  I still don't have my costume, which will totally be awesome by the way.  But this post isn't about costumes.  It's another DIY decorating idea.

I wanted witches brooms to stand in a corner, like you have seen in every magazine and of course, on Pinterest.  But I am cheap.  I refuse to pay $15 for something that stands in the corner for one month.  Not gonna happen in this house.  So what's a somewhat crafty, not really Martha but kinda wants to be girl to do?  She is gonna make one.  A cute one.  One that when guests arrive at her house and see it they say "Oh my gosh, Missy, that is so cute.  Where did you get it?"  And I can say "I totally made it, because I am awesome."  Ok, I probably won't tell them that I am awesome.  I assume they already know.  

Any who, I bought a broom from the Dollar General.  $5 for a corn broom, not a bad deal.  And it would have been perfect, except for one tiny little thing.

It was blue.  Kentucky blue.  Not exactly the halloween theme I was going for.  Oh, and it had that soft cushion thing in the middle.  I guess thats to help your hands while you sweep.  I don't know a single woman who holds a broom that low, but maybe that's because most of us either use a Swiffer or a vacuum.  I am a vacuum type of girl.  Back to the broom.  We have to fix this.  So, I do.  I first take off the cushion thing, which was totally easy.  Just a snip with the scissors and you can rip it apart.  Next, we spray paint.  I really like spray paint.  Why?  Because it's fast, easy, and cheap.  I can change the entire look of something in a few minutes.  So, I whip out my cheap black spray paint from a few days ago, and start spraying!  And then I forgot to take a picture.  Oh well.  

I wanted my broom to have a little bit of a cuteness factor.  And what is cuter than stripes?  Polka dots.  But I am not painting polka dots onto a broom handle, so stripes it is.  But I don't want to paint stripes either.  What could I make stripes with?  Paper?  Ribbon?  Electrical tape?  Yes, electrical tape. 

We have a lot laying around our house from our re-wire.  So, I cut of pieces of it and wrapped it around the base of the broom. 

How cute is that?  

But, do you notice anything about my broom?  Take a closer look.

Yes, the bands holding it together were blue.  Shouldn't be a big deal.  A saner person would have probably overlooked it.  I couldn't.  I had to fix it.  So, what did I do?  I got out my glue gun and one of the billion rolls of black ribbon left over from our wedding two years ago.  I put hot glue along the blue string.

And then laid the black ribbon on top.  Easy peasy!  And incredibly cute.

Now, I just needed to finish it off.  With more ribbon.  I have some what of a problem with ribbon.  I hoard it.  TLC is currently doing a show on me and my slight addiction to ribbon.  It airs in the spring.  Any who, I tied a bow to the top of my bow with orange ribbon.  This was not left over from my wedding but I am sure was purchased for some grand project I never got around to doing.  At least I got to use it.

Cute and cheap.  Things I love.  Now, if I can just get my husband to quit calling it my new car, things would be perfect.  Oh well, have a great day!!

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